• Namibia Attractions


    Namibia is a South West African nation that is a major attraction centre for many tourists. There are various Namibia attractions to see when you travel to this great nation. Here are the top Namibia attractions you need to travel and see.


    See the Worlds Only Coastal Desert


    Commonly referred to as sand sea, the desert is the only one that touches the ocean. At the desert, you will see dunes that cover up to 3 million hectares. Also known as the world’s oldest desert, there are two dune systems that you will come across in the desert. There are the ancient dunes and the young dunes for you to see. This is an exciting, unique tour of its kind and was named as a UNESCO World Heritage centre in 2013.


    See the Gods Foot Prints in Namibia


    Regardless of the vegetation cover or the soils, you will see some rings that the locals call the footprints of gods.  They are round in shape, and they form on both the light vegetation and the bare ground. This seems like a mysterious occurrence since no one has come up with an explanation of what happened to lead to the formation of these round shaped patterns. Therefore plan Namibia travel tour and you will get to enjoy this unique site as you take photos. They look like what you would call ground ringworm spots. This is an exciting place for you to see this occurrence.


    Sightseeing at the Tropical of Capricorn


    One of the 5 major circles of latitude called the Tropic of Capricorn crosses through Namibia, and you will see it at Sossusvlei and Walvis Bay. There are colourful signs placed there to let you know you are crossing the tropical of Capricorn. This is a unique view and unique experience as it is a global mark that extends around the world. Therefore, travelling there while on Namibia tours will offer you an excellent photo taking chance. The tropical of Capricorn marks latitude 23.5 degrees to the south and creeps northwards every year. There are a number of countries that enjoy this unique feature including Chile, Brazil, Mozambique, and Madagascar.


    See the Footprints of Dinosaur in Namibia


    At farm Otjihaenamaparero in Namibia, you will come across one of the unique features in the world, and this is the footprints of the dinosaur. The dinosaur is a creature that existed over 200 million years ago. At the farm, you will have a chance to stay at a guest house, or you can enjoy camping there. If you have read the history of dinosaurs, you can enjoy more about them in Namibia as you get a chance to see their footprints. Visit Namibia today and enjoy the unique sightseeing trip.


    Namibia tours are exciting especially seeing the unique places. Travel to Namibia today; you will enjoy the attractions.



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